Parsing Low-Level Request Stats
This blog entry is in continuation to Francis blog entry
which talks in detail about the use of low-level statistics provided by BPEL Engine
of Oracle SOA Suite for diagnosing performance-related issues for projects involving BPEL processes. As promised to Francis, here are some details that might
be useful while parsing the low-level request stats. Sorry took some time to
put this out – better late than never!
As the request enters BPEL engine it is first handled by
delivery service. This layer persists all incoming asynchronous requests are in
the database. The request is then passed on to BPEL Engine (or generic name
Cube Engine) for further processing.
Low-level request stats can provide insight into average
taken by various engine layers (latency) as it flows through the delivery
service and engine. The actual execution of request happens in invoke-method
and the individual activity execution can be found by looking for stat with key